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Artist's Bride Page 2
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The two glasses of wine I’ve had is also fueling my bravado.
I get up, turning to walk towards my big guy, when I turn smack bang into some alcohol-smelling character, straight out of a horror movie. He’s practically on top of me.
He tries to put his hand down the front of my dress. I retaliate by giving him a backhand across his face, knocking him completely off his feet. He gets back up, staggering towards me.
My only thought now is shit… I’m about to get beaten up by a drunk man.
Then, all hell breaks loose.
Jumping off my chair, I’m at my woman’s side in less than two steps. I’m about to beat the crap out of this drunk fucker…
How dare he lift a hand to my woman!
I block his hand midway from connecting with her face, with two hard punches to his jaw. He goes sprawling onto the floor again. He’s drunken friends have all gone quiet now. Going after him to kick the crap out of him, I’m stopped by the security guys on duty. They pull me off him.
Luckily, I know the owner of the club, and the securities are familiar with me. The attacker and his group of friends are all chucked out of the club and removed from the premises.
I walk back to where my goldilocks is standing. She’s looking at me with large eyes; fear flooded across her pretty face.
“Are you ok?” I ask her, lifting her chin with my hand. I’m trying to see if there are any marks on her beautiful face. That asshole better hope I don’t find a scratch on her. Finding none, I step back.
“I’m fine,” she says in a soft voice, “um… thanks for saving me.”
I look at her and smile. “Honey, from now on, I’m always going to be saving you.”
“This wasn’t how I wanted to meet you,” I confess, “but, here we are. My name’s Harry. What’s yours?”
“Bree,” she replies with a small smile, “and this is my friend Adriana,” she says, introducing the redhead.
“Pleased to meet you, ladies. Sorry about the commotion.”
“No problem. You probably saved me from getting beaten up by a man tonight. I’m not sure what I would have done had you not intervened.”
“You looked like you could take care of yourself just fine,” I respond with a wink. “That guy went down like a ton of bricks when your hand connected with his face,” I tease. “Remind me not to ever get on your bad side.”
Now, seeing the funny side of the situation, we all burst out laughing.
I walk the ladies back to their table. Her friend points at her watch and announces, “Bree, I’m going to have to leave now. I need a clear head for those exams tomorrow.”
I glance at my goldilocks to see if she’s feeling the same kind of attraction I am. She looks at me with those beautiful eyes and those kissable full lips, and I can see she does.
Shit! No way am I letting this woman walk out of my life now.
“Would you mind staying a bit longer?” I ask her, taking her hands into mine. “I’ll make sure you get home safely.”
She glances at her friend, who seems to approve of me. Her friend winks and tells her, “it’s ok, you stay.”
Saying her goodbyes to us, she starts walking away, shouting on her way out, “chat tomorrow, Bree.”
“Finally, I have you to myself,” I tell her the minute we’re alone.
“I need to do something that I’ve wanted to do since I saw you this evening.”
“What’s that?” she asks me.
“This,” I say, pulling her into my arms. “I need to kiss that beautiful mouth of yours. I need to know if those lips will taste like I’ve imagined they would.”
I pull her closer to me, and I can hear by her sharply indrawn breath that she can feel my hard cock presses against her stomach, but I don’t care. I want her to know what she’s doing to me and my body.
Tilting her head back, I run my tongue across her lower lips, taking in the feel of her tongue. “It’s precisely the way I imagined you would taste,” I murmur into her ears. Then I claim those sexy lips with mine in an intense, hungry kiss. I’m devouring her mouth, not wanting to let go. Everything and everyone else fades into the background. In this moment, nothing else matters.
When we eventually pull apart, I can see she’s as turned on by that kiss as I am. Both our eyes are filled with open desire.
“Lucky, we’re in a public place, or your clothes would have been in a pile on the floor,” I whisper in her ear. “I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I want you right now.”
When I look at her face again, I can see she’s blushing, her face turning all shades of pink. I like that. I’ve got me an old-fashioned, shy girl.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” I ask her. “I’d like to invite you to the opening of my latest showing at my gallery. I’m an artist, by the way.”
“That’s great, what kind of art do you do?” I ask him.
“I paint and would love for you to sit for one of my nude paintings,” I tell her. “That thought has been circulating in my head since I laid eyes on you tonight.”
I’m not sure what’s happening right now, but I love it. This gorgeous man has just rescued me, and then he kissed me into oblivion… now he says he wants to paint me?
I still cannot believe he likes me. The place is swarming with sexy, skinny girls, and yet, he’s chosen me over all of them. Maybe I’m dreaming, and I’m going to wake up any moment now.
“So, what do you think about the idea of posing for me,” he asks me again, “however, I want you nude,” he adds with a devilish grin.
“Excuse me?” I exclaim, thoroughly alarmed! “Did you just say you wanted me to pose in the nude for you?”
“Yes,” he replies. “Don’t worry, it’s not going to be smutty or distasteful, I promise. I do a lot of commissioned, nude paintings of clients, and I’m actually very good at it,” he tells me.
He’s standing and looking at me with a sexy grin on his face. That grin alone makes me want to take off my clothes and start posing… perhaps do a little more than pose.
I wish he’d stop looking at me like that. It certainly does not help with all the blushing he has me doing.
No man has ever seen me naked before. God, I’m still a virgin, and now this gorgeous stranger wants to see me naked, with all my curves on display? How do I tell him I can’t do it?
These are all the thoughts running through my mind as I think of a suitable response.
I’m sure he has other sexy, gorgeous women who wouldn’t mind posing for him? Why me? I think to myself, biting my lower lip.
“What’s the matter,” he asks when he sees I’m not responding to him. “Am I coming on too strong? I’m sorry, but I just can’t get the picture of your beautiful, naked body out of my head. The only way to excise it is to paint you. I’ll cover all the bits you don’t want to be shown.” he tells me.
Harry grabs hold of my hand, filling me with sparks of electricity. “Tell you what, come to my opening tomorrow, and I’ll show you precisely the type of paintings that I do, just to put your mind at ease.”
“And who will get to see my picture, you know, once you’re done with it?” I ask, worried at the thought that the world might see me in all my ‘curvy glory,’ so to speak.
I can already imagine my mom’s reaction. She’d be horrified at the thought that the world saw her fat daughter’s body. Maybe I will do it, just to piss her off. I chuckle to myself at the thought.
“Is that a small smile, I see? And maybe a yes, or at least an I’ll think about it?” he asks. “You and I will be the only people that will see your picture. It will be my gift to you,” he says.
I stare at this gorgeous stranger standing in front of me. There’s something about him that instinctively makes me trust him.
“Can I think about it and give you my decision tomorrow?” I ask him.
“Of course, you’ve just made my day,” he says, smiling
broadly from ear to ear. “I take it you will be attending my showing tomorrow then?”
“Where is it?”
“The Nuitfaux. Tomorrow evening. Eight sharp.”
I take a few moments to contemplate his offer. “Okay, I’m in!”
“You would generally need to book a ticket in advance, but just give the security head stationed at the entrance to my building your name. I will instruct him to provide you with a pass.”
We exchange contact details at our cars, and then he announces he needs to leave. “As much as I hate leaving you, I have to check in with my people at the gallery, just to make sure everything is on track. The best part of this night has been meeting you.” Harry pulls me into his arms once again. “I look forward to getting to know all of you better, real soon.” He places an emphasis on ‘all.’ Harry drops a soft kiss on my lips, and with that, he walks off.
I’m left standing speechless, still unable to believe the events of the last few hours, and feeling better than I’ve felt in a long time.
I think I might be in love.
I feel like a young boy having his first crush. I can’t wait for later today when I’ll be seeing my goldilocks again.
I’ve had two cold showers already this morning. Just thinking about that young, tight pussy is making me hard again.
It’s time I get myself under control. I can’t be meeting the patrons coming to my show with a raging boner.
No woman has ever affected me like this woman. I have this need to keep her away from everyone. She’s mine to protect and to care for. It’s a deep primal need I’ve never experienced.
I’m hoping she will agree to pose for me, yet the thought of another man ever seeing her naked picture will drive me to murder.
The ringing of my phone interrupts my daydream.
It’s my mom.
I’ve already left her two messages since this morning.
“Hi mom, how’s my favorite lady doing?” I ask by way of greeting. Knowing the difficulties that she’s currently going through, probably not too well. The thought of losing my dad must be terrifying for her. They’ve been together for the last 40 years. She loves that stubborn old bastard with all her heart.
“I’m fine honey. When can you come home?” she asks me outright, cutting straight to the chase.
The truth is, I haven’t been home in more than 20 years. Not since my dad disowned and kicked me out of his house for not wanting to take over the family business.
I chose to study towards my degree in fine art instead. I can remember the last time we spoke like it was yesterday. We’d just had another heated argument about me wanting to pursue a career in art.
“You have a choice to make,” he told me. “The right one will let you stay at my house. Make the wrong choice, and you can pack your bags and leave immediately.”
Those were his exact words to me. I made the ‘wrong’ choice, and left. We haven’t spoken or seen each other since.
Now, I’m forced to go home. I guess I’m going to have to face my dad eventually, especially since I’m donating my kidney to him.
Stubborn old bastard!
I had only recently been made aware of his illness. He had been on the donor waiting list for a while now. My mom was instructed by my old man not to say anything about his illness to me. “He’s too proud to ask for help,” she said.
He’s been getting progressively more ill, and out of desperation, my mom eventually contacted me and told me everything. I was tested as a donor, and it turned out that I am a match for him.
I reassure my mom I will see her the following day. I just have a couple of things to take care of.
“I’m showcasing my latest works today, which will keep me busy, but I should be done by late afternoon. I’ll come home straight after that,” I inform her.
We chat for a short while, and then I hang up due to the arrival of people. I’m looking forward to introducing goldilocks to my parents.
For the first time in my life, I’m thinking about marriage.
That’s how much I want Bree.
I woke up with a smile on my face, thinking life is beautiful. I haven’t done that in a while. I hardly slept a wink last night. All I did was replay everything in my head over and over.
I literally pinched myself at one stage and muttered, “he wants me, curvy old me, mom. How ya like that?”
I step out of bed and prepare myself, rushing to get to his studio.
The perpetual grin on my face has quickly become a constant.
Get a hold of yourself, Bree.
He’s not ‘my’ man, but a little voice in the back of my head keeps on suggesting.
What if he could be?
I arrive at his studio, prompt and early. People mill about in and outside his studio. I give my name and surname to the security guard stationed at the entrance to his studio, and he seems to recognize my name instantly.
He turns to another man dressed in uniform, and instructs him to, “please take the lady to Mr. Savage’s office; he’s on the 1st floor. He’s expecting her.”
His studio is situated in what looks like a double-story building; although you could easily fit in four floors with the high ceilings. Different kinds of paintings line the walls of the building as I enter his studio.
People walk around in groups, with glasses of champagne in hand; all viewing, and discussing his artwork. I hear lots of approving ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ sounds. Glancing at some of his work, I can see the reason why. He’s very good at his craft.
A man good with his fingers. Hell, the thought alone excites me.
I’m about to place a foot on the first step that leads to the 1st floor when I look up. Harry is standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at me. I stop in my tracks and stare. He’s even more gorgeous in daylight.
His hair is loose, just reaching his shoulders. Dressed in a white, casual shirt and pants today, he looks even better than he did in his suit last night. His white clothing shows off his olive complexion.
My pulse starts to quicken, and I almost miss a step on the stairs. Harry’s standing and looking at me with the broadest smile on his face.
I can feel myself starting to blush.
What must this man be thinking of me? I’m even falling over myself for him now.
He walks down and meets me the rest of the way. He pulls me into a tight hug and greets me with a deep kiss at the top of the stairs; his erection pressing against my tummy.
I’m blushing down to the tips of my blonde roots. I’ve never experienced this with a man before. This is now the second time I can feel his erection, so I must be turning him on. I’ve had a few groping experiences with two ex-boyfriends, but I’ve never wanted to go ‘all the way’ with them. It just didn’t feel right. Probably another reason why my relationships did not last too long.
Somehow, feeling his hardness against me excites me, and it just feels right.
“I’m sorry, but you seem to have this effect on me every time I’m close to you,” he says with a husky voice, referring to the raging boner pressing against me. “I, on the other hand, always seems to be making you blush. Why is that?” he asks me.
He trails a finger across the length of my bottom lip, and I look at him with big, embarrassed eyes. I’m too embarrassed to tell him. I catch him looking at me with a slightly puzzled look on his face.
“Come,” he says, changing the subject. He leads me into a room that looks like an office.
“Welcome to my little personal space,” he says with a playful bow. “Please, make yourself feel at home.”
I take a few moments to look around his office. I would hardly call his office ‘little.’ The interior looks like its straight out of some fancy interior design magazine. This must have set him back a couple of thousands, at least.
“Wow! I would definitely not call this a ‘little’ space.”
He pulls
two glasses from his fully stocked bar and pops open a bottle of champagne. After filling both glasses, he hands me one.
The sound of his phone ringing interrupts us. “Excuse me,” he says, stepping away to chat on the phone. “This is important. I won’t be long.”
“I’m back,” he announces a few minutes later. “I’ve managed to hand over the rest of the afternoon to my assistant. There won’t be any more interruptions for a good couple of hours.”
“What about the people in the gallery downstairs?” I ask him.
“What about them? You’re more important to me right now,” he says simply.
“Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted? Ahh… Yes. I was about to ask you what’s your decision?”
“What decision?” I ask, despite knowing exactly what he’s talking about.
Sipping on my champagne, I ask him nervously, “Can I see pictures of what you’ve done before?”
He pulls out what looks like an old photo album and comes to sit next to me on his desk.
“Here you go. Have a look, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask,” he says, handing me the album.
I open the album and look at paintings of various women he’s painted. Some nude, other’s semi-nude.
I must admit, it’s all done very tastefully. Parts of the bodies have been covered so that just the woman’s beautiful curves are on display.
I look up to find him looking at me with an almost frightening intensity. It looks like he’s holding his breath in eager anticipation.
“Decision?” he says, quirking a brow.
“Yes, I’ll do it,” I say, giving him a nervous smile.
Finally releasing the breath he’s been holding in, he exclaims, “great, I haven’t been this happy in a while.”