Oblivion (Protecting Her Curves Book 4) Read online


  Alexa Blue


  1. Kace

  2. Lana

  3. Kace

  4. Lana

  5. Kace

  6. Lana

  7. Kace

  8. Lana

  9. Kace

  10. Lana

  11. Kace

  12. Lana

  13. Lana

  14. Kace


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  Also by Alexa Blue

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  The wind is knocked from my lungs as I turn to look at her. The bar is crowded with people, and loud chatter fills the place, yet she is all I see. I lower the large aviator frames covering half my face to get a better look. An angel sits by herself, sipping on a cocktail. A well-fitted red dress shows off her curves and just a touch of her cleavage that leaves me gasping for air.

  Right in front of her is an empty seat.

  That seat should be mine.

  Except that, I’m sitting in a dimly lit, crowded bar, wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap pulled forward like some shady drug dealer. There’s nothing that would make her attracted to me in my current state.

  This is the life I chose. When I decided to pursue acting full-time, I knew I would have to sacrifice my personal freedom and private life. Now, with the fear of being trampled by a stampede of fans, I cover up as much as I can whenever going out. I hate the idea of being restricted to going out with a bunch of security guards by my side. I hate only going to places that have been ‘okayed’ by Nick, my manager. So, every once in a while, I get away from the fame, popularity, and the pressure that comes with being a movie star and sneak into The Sandton Hotel for a drink.

  I fix my gaze on the curvy beauty and can’t help but wonder why someone as beautiful as her is all by herself? And why the fuck am I already imaging her carrying my babies?

  A part of me is relieved that she’s alone. I would hate to have to fight another man for her. With the protective streak I suddenly have running through my blood, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to see her smile. Even from where I’m sitting, I can see her honey-brown eyes gleaming back at me once she meets my gaze. Her full lips press together, and her finger rolls seductively around the edge of her cocktail glass. She has short, dark hair that gives her that feisty first impression, like she is not a girl to be messed with. Still, the sadness in her eyes as she looks at me is undeniable. Her shoulders droop forward, and she’s clearly deep in thought.

  I turn to the bartender behind me.

  “Hey, Collin.”

  “Yes, sir,” he greets. “Can I get you another drink?” Collin is about the only person in this bar that knows who I am. I’m close friends with Bernard, the hotel manager. He gives strict instructions to all staff to help conceal my identity whenever I pop in for a drink.

  “Yes, sir. Except, the drink is not for me. I need you to organize the beautiful lady in red another round of whatever she’s having.”

  Collin scans the room and his brows furrow. “I’m sorry, sir. There’s no one wearing red?”

  “What?” I tilt my head and look around the room. She’s gone.

  I turn back to Collin. “Shit. I need to find Bernard.”

  “Sir, wait. I need to…” Collin’s voice fades into the background as I rush out to find Bernard or the sexy lady in red—whichever comes first.

  I bump into Bernard in the hotel lobby and adjust my shades.

  “Good day, sir. Are you ready to leave?” Bernard says, shaking my hand. Despite us being friends for the last three years, he still insists on holding that professional tone whenever he addresses me.

  “No. There’s a woman in this hotel. She’s dressed in a short red dress, stunning face, full breasts, and the sexiest thighs. Ring any bells?”

  “Um. I guess so?”

  “I need her details or her room number?”

  Bernard lowers his head and pulls me over to a quieter corner of the lobby. “Kace, you know I always have your back whenever you pop in for a drink, but giving out our guest’s information is the one thing I cannot do for you. Please understand.”

  I look at Bernard, considering his words for a moment. “Fair enough.”

  “But, if there’s anything else I can help you with, I’d be more than happy to assist.”

  “Hmmm. As a matter of fact, there is something… I’m checking in.”

  If Bernard cannot assist, then I’ll take matters into my own hands.

  Come rain or sunshine, I will find the lady in the red dress.



  “Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday, dear Lana… Happy Bir…”

  My sight is fixed on the single candle flame on what must be the world’s loneliest chocolate cake.

  “Fuck it. This is just sad,” I mumble to myself and blow out the candle.

  I wasn’t meant to spend my birthday alone, but at the age of twenty-two, I have quickly realized that I cannot get everything I want in life. Perhaps I should have gone to San Francisco and spent the birthday with my sister. But she has a man now, and I’d hate to be an inconvenience.

  I invited my two best, and possibly, my only friends since I moved to New York, Chloe and Francesca. I spent a tiny fortune for this night and had to save up for six months to pay for a night in this freaking hotel. I’m a fortune cookie writer, but don’t be fooled by the job title, it does not pay a fortune. I get to work remotely, but that’s about where the benefits end with my job. So, when Chloe and Francesca both canceled on me last minute, it sucked.

  I came to New York City, thinking I’d arrive and instantly start living my best life. Since my sister always told me I had a flair for the dramatic, I figured I’d arrive and make it big in Broadway. Having never left my hometown, I was so amped when I arrived in the Big Apple, but I quickly discovered that things are nothing like what you see in the movies. They may call this place the ‘Big Apple,’ but it’s only when you’re here that you realize that grabbing a bite is not that easy. The streets are crazy and crowded. Everyone is so busy, and in their own head, that they don’t have the time to stop, let alone make time for others.

  For in a city of over eight million people, it’s incredible how lonely I feel.

  I can’t say my birthday has been all that bad. Perhaps the only highlight of my night is seeing Kace-freaking-Taitum in the flesh. It may have been in my mind, or maybe he saw how utterly depressed I was and felt sorry for me, but I am convinced he gave me a little smile. Despite wearing a cap and rocking sunglasses indoors, I noticed him right away from the time I walked into the bar. It wasn’t until he lowered his shades that I knew it was him. I recognized his sexy gray eyes from a mile away.

  I’d love to think he was looking at me, but I had to get the hell out of there. I could do without another disappointment, thank you very much. Besides, why would someone as sexy as Kace Taitum be interested in a curvy ol’ girl like me?

  But a girl can dream, right? The thought of getting with him certainly didn’t hurt, and even brings a smile to my face.

  A loud ringing sound blares through my room, interrupting my little daydream. The shock of it all causes me to almost spill my glass of champagne all over my dress.

  “God. Give me a break,” I mumble out loud. “What the hell is the matter now?”

  The telephone in my room rings, and I’ve got a feeling I’m about to find out.

  It’s reception. I lift the receiver to my ear. “Um, hello?”

  “Room 1406, please note this is an emergency.”

nbsp; “Wha… what is the emergency?”

  “A fire broke out on the thirteenth floor. Please leave your room immediately, using the emergency exit.”

  “Holy shit. That’s on the floor below me, right?” I’m still speaking when the phone beeps in my ear. The receptionist hangs up the phone, probably to phone other guests. I take in a deep breath of air. It feels as though the oxygen is already being drained from the room. I turn around and notice smoke seeping into the room from under the bottom of the door.

  Holy shit. This is serious.

  I run back into the room and grab my pair of heels, and my purse; the only things worth saving, before making my way out. I’m in such a state of shock, and the single thought zinging through my mind is that I need to get the hell out of here.

  I yank the door open but stand completely frozen on the spot, blinded by all the smoke in the corridor.

  Fuck my life. This birthday cannot get any worse…



  Bernard personally phoned me and informed me about the fire that had just broken out on the thirteenth floor, and is the cause for this loud ass alarm blaring in my room.

  I’m in the presidential suite on the thirtieth floor, and Bernard told me that someone will be sent to ensure my safety, but that is the last thing on my mind.

  He continues speaking, but I hang up the phone and slip it into my pocket. All I can think about is the curvy beauty stuck in this building. I need to make sure she makes it out of here alive. I feel like I finally found my queen, and there’s no way in hell I’m about to lose her to a fire!

  I’ve starred in several blockbuster action films and always insist on doing my own stunts. I’ve jumped off a moving bike, free-fell from a high-rise building, and yet, nothing has gotten my heart racing like the thought of any harm falling onto her.

  I dart forward, and as I place my hand on the door handle, there’s a knock from the other side. I yank the door open, and Collin stands in front of me. Even with the medical mask covering half his face, his face is clearly flushed with fear.

  He hands me a mask. “Sir, I’m here to escort you to safety.”

  I place my hands on Collin’s shoulders. “Buddy, listen to me. I know that giving out guest information is not how things are ordinarily done.” I look left and right, taking in the sight of frantic guests rushing down flights of stairs, all running for safety. “But, nothing about this situation is ordinary. If you know anything about the lady in red, I need you to tell me.” The silence from Collin is cause for my addendum, “please.”

  Collin looks frantic, and I don’t blame him. “Okay, she’s on the fourteenth floor, room 1406. But I need to get you to safety, sir.”

  I reach forward and pull Collin into a massive hug. “Thanks, buddy. I owe you big time. Now do me one more favor, and make sure you get yourself to safety.”

  With that, I grab hold of the mask, and rush down the stairway, taking three steps at a time.

  The smoke grows heavier with every floor, but I continue running until I reach the fourteenth floor. I try waving the smoke with a hand to clear my vision, but it’s a futile exercise. And then I hear it, the scream that sends an icy shiver down my spine.

  I dash forward, and my queen in red stands outside her room door, coughing like she’s on her last breath. My eyes burn from the smoke, but right now, nothing matters other than getting this girl to safety. I place the mask on her face, scoop her up in my arms and carry her down fourteen more flights of stairs.

  We finally reach the ground floor, and she tries wiggling free, but my grip on her is firm. I’m not letting her go until we’re outside and she can take in a fresh breath of air.

  I step outside the hotel lobby, and a frenzy of people follow us. I place her back down on her feet, and her eyes meet mine. Suddenly, they grow large.

  She takes a few moments to gather her bearings. “Holy shit. It’s you!” She shakes her head. “I mean, thank you!”

  It suddenly dawns on me that I ran out without my cap or the god forsaken sunglasses. “Shit. We need to get out of here,” I tell her, “before someone recognizes me.”

  She gives me a small smile, and that tells me saving her was worth it. I’d run back into that building if it means getting to see her smile again.

  She runs a finger down my cheek. “Holy shit. Are you okay? You could have died trying to save me.”

  “If that’s what it would have taken to make sure you’re safe, then it would have been worth it. I’m Kace,” I add with an extended hand.

  She shies away, turning to hide her pinkening cheeks. “I know. Anyway, all that smoke probably helps your disguise. I doubt anyone would be able to recognize you with all the dark marks from the soot.”

  I raise a brow. “Oh yeah? So how did you know it was me?”

  “Because, Mr. Kace Taitum, I’d recognize your sexy eyes from a mile away.”



  Really Lana? Your ‘sexy eyes’… now that is one sure-fire way of coming off as desperate.

  “Um, not that I’m saying your eyes are sexy because I’m some stalker that like, you know, spends time obsessing over your eyes… or anyone’s eyes, for that matter. Oh God, what am I saying?”

  He places a hand on my shoulder and a wave of electricity courses through my body. “What’s your name, beautiful?” He says, in that deep voice I have quickly become obsessed with.

  “I’m Lana.”

  His tongue rolls against the length of his lower lip. “Pretty name. Now, tell me, what’s a pretty girl like you doing out here by yourself, Lana?”

  For a moment, I contemplate whether I should make up a story, hell, anything would make my life seem less sad right now.

  Fuck it, Lana, you’re probably never going to get to see him after this.

  “It’s my birthday today. And well, I wasn’t meant to spend it alone, but my friends couldn’t make it. And now, there’s a freaking fire in the hotel? This will be a birthday for the books, right? Except, I’m not sure if anyone would believe the story of me being carried out of a burning hotel by none other than Kace Taitum.”

  “It’s your birthday?” He says, as if that was the only thing he got from my monologue.


  He takes a step forward, narrowing the distance between us. Is it strange that I’m grateful for that fire that broke out in the building? Had the fire never started, I would never be standing with Kace, let alone, taking in the warmth of his breath on my skin.

  “Then, we need to celebrate!” He says and pulls my body into his.

  I try taking a step back, but he follows into me. “Kace, I… I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say hesitantly.

  His brows furrow. “Why not?”

  “Because you’re Kace Taitum, and well, I’m just plain old Lana. And besides, we’re covered in soot. I don’t think either of us is in a state to be going out.”

  A sexy grin forms on the corner of his lips, driving my pussy insane. “Fuck what people think of us. Besides, it’s not every day that I get to go out without sunglasses or having to hide my face.” He takes my hands in his. “Come on! It’s your birthday. Just be yourself and let loose a little.”

  I’m losing it, and fast. “Okay. I guess one drink won’t hurt.”

  His face lights up like a kid in a candy store. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  We leave behind the madness of people scrambling and fire fighters working hard to extinguish the fire. At my suggestion, we drive over to the nearest sports bar.

  We step into the bar, walking hand in hand. I love the possessive look he gives me. It’s something I’ve never had with a guy before.

  “Can I get you another cocktail, sweetness?”

  His words, be yourself, rings through my mind. What was I thinking? Expensive shoes, champagne, a room in a lavish hotel? That is not at all who I am. I simply did those things hoping to finally fit in, and for my ‘friends’ to accept me. Fuck that. I’m
probably never going to see this man again, so I might as well be myself and make the most of this evening.

  I turn back to Kace. “Nah, I think I’ll have a beer.”

  His gaze is fixed on mine. “God, you are one incredible woman. What do you do, Lana?”

  “I’m a fortune cookie writer,” I tell him, and wait for that confused look I get from everyone that I tell about my job. “But the dream is to one day see my name on one of those big, Broadway billboards.”

  “So, you want to become a model?”

  I’m flattered. “No, an actress.”

  “A pretty girl like you, I’m sure you’d kick some serious acting ass.”

  God, there’s that flush of heat rushing over me again.

  The bartender brings our drinks, and Kace shifts his body to stand in front of me. He takes a few moments to run his gaze down my body. His intense gaze is filled with pure lust, and a part of me can’t help but wonder if this is all a setup?

  He brushes a few loose strands of hair behind my ear. “Let’s play pool?”

  “Okay. One drink, and one game of pool. But, you’re going to have to show me the ropes.”

  We head over to an empty pool table, and after Kace sets up the balls, he turns to me. “You’re going to break, but don’t worry. I’ll help you.”

  He hands me the pool cue, and I take in a deep breath through parted lips as he positions his body behind mine. He wraps his arms around me, shifting me so that I stand in the perfect position. Guiding me, his arm pulls back, and his body presses harder into mine. From the hardness now brushing up against my ass, I have a feeling the balls on the table aren’t the only balls I’d be feeling tonight.